
Since 1994 we have been designing and producing solutions with purpose-built machinery.

Customers from all sectors of industry appreciate our expertise, quality and service.

We offer you modern and future-oriented products, either as individual components or turnkey solutions from a single source according to your requirements.
Decades of experience from the beginnings of vibration technology in Germany, expertise during the entire course of the project as well as a highly motivated team are the foundations for our success.

We therefore know what we are doing.



In a spirit of partnership with our customers, we develop intelligent solutions to increase the efficiency of their production processes. The high quality standard we place on our products guarantees the lasting business success of our customers. And our wealth of experience acquired over many years combined with proven expertise enables us to create added value for them.



We wish to be a competent and innovative partner for our customers in the field of feeder & assembly technology. Our aim is to further expand our market position in order to continue the development of our company and safeguard the jobs of our employees.



The foundation stone of FMB is laid in the 1950s by Dipl.-Ing. Karl Bergmann, one of the forefathers of vibrating feeder technology in Germany and the inventor of low-frequency feeder technology. Enrico Di Guida embarks on an apprenticeship as a lathe operator with the Bergmann company.
Subsequent incorporation of Karl Bergmann GmbH into a group of companies gives rise to the name of FMB for some of the subsidiaries.



Takeover of FMB GmbH into independence by Enrico Di Guida and Hartmut Striepe.


Through the continuing development of low-frequency feeder technology, FMB becomes a systems supplier to a global corporation for engine components.


The vibratory drives for feeder systems with drive diameters of 630 mm and above undergo further development for the high-performance segment.


Due to the positive company development, the size of the workforce grows in line with the order volume to more than 20 employees, making it necessary to expand the premises. A new assembly hall is constructed between existing building sections and has been used for setting up and commissioning the machines we produce ever since.


Development of the new control electronics in coordination with the drives used in low-frequency feeder technology.


Due to its very low wear characteristics and gentle feeding action, low-frequency feeder technology from FMB is implemented as a standard procedure by another company involved with engine parts.


The first machines with image processing systems and robot technology for demanding assembly tasks leave our plant.


The pharmaceuticals product division undergoes expansion and, from then on, FMB supplies a prominent manufacturer of packaging machines with feeder technology.


Research and development into new types of coating for sorting rubber parts (seals, cushioning parts, etc.).


Introduction of a quality management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and an environmental management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2009


Development of feeder solutions for the workpieces that cannot be accumulated (thin sheet metal parts, ondular washers, etc.)


The 50th assembly system is delivered.


After 21 successful years as managing director, Enrico Di Guida goes into his well-deserved retirement. Dipl. Wirtsch. Ing. Edwin Neue takes over Mr Di Guida’s shares in the business and becomes a new managing director alongside Hartmut Striepe.


In May of this year we can look back on 25 years of successful corporate development. On the occasion of our company anniversary, we would like to thank all business partners and employees who have accompanied us on our way. Special thanks go, of course, to our customers for their trust and long-term loyalty! Comprehensive customer satisfaction and quality will continue to be our declared goal in the future. On the occasion of our company anniversary, we would like to thank all business partners and employees who have accompanied us on our way. Of course, special thanks go to our customers for their trust and long-term loyalty! Comprehensive customer satisfaction and quality will continue to be our declared goals in the future.


After 28.5 years of company existence, we can book the 5,000th order.


30 years of FMB GmbH in Braunschweig

din en iso 9001




 din en iso 14001

DIN EN ISO 14001


Arndtstraße 18
D-38120 Braunschweig

Phone: +49 531 88505-0
Fax: +49 531 85263
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